The bioplastics, biodegradable and from renewable sources, are a measure of reduction to The use of bioplastics , biodegradables and other renewable sources is an attempt to reduce the problem of polluting plastic waste that drown the planet and pollute the environment.
Not all bioplastics are naturally degradable: only those that are born from renewable biological sources, and are also biodegradable.
All our Bio Line products are manufactured with materials that guarantee their biodegradability and compostability. Using Organic Raw Materials derived from different renewable sources, such as vegetable oils and starches, this means that the characteristics of the products manufactured are friendly to the Environment.
PLA, PVA, PHA, PHB are biopolymers
totally Organic,
Biodegradable and Compostable.
It is mainly used for blowing and thermoforming similar to those of low temperature polyethylene. always conserving its character of Biodegradable and Compostable.-
Advantages of Organic Bioplastics:
* Reduce carbon footprint
* They suppose an energetic saving in the production.
* Do not consume non-renewable raw materials.
* Reduce non-biodegradable waste.
* Do not contain additives harmful to health.
* They do not modify the taste and aroma of food.
Use of Bioplastics:
Nowadays its use is extended to several sectors: in medicine (prosthesis, suture threads), in food (catering products and disposable packaging), toys, and even in the world of fashion and of course, all-purpose bags biodegradable and compostable.

Recycled and Reusable Raw Materials:
The recycling of non-renewable products such as plastic is fundamental for the use of waste that will not be degraded naturally.
You can recycle about 4 to 5 times the same material. Being able to You can also increase this number also if additives in the material are added to the mixture to improve improving its their properties
The 3 main purposes of recycled plastic are:
* Direct reuse.
* The use once again as raw material
* Its conversion as fuel.
* Component of new chemical products.
Advantages of Plastic Recycling:
* Very necessary for the reduction of waste.
* Saving non-renewable raw material.
* Savings of natural resources.
* Energy and economic savings.
* Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.
* Decrease in environmental pollution.
Use of recycled plastics:
* Bags for nurseries and pots.
* Plastic wood: urban furniture.
* Textile fiber: clothes, carpets, ropes, etc.
* Bottles: most bottles are recycled to get more bottles.
* Construction: bricks, pipes, cabinets, etc.
"It is very important that we all know the different applications that are obtained from the recycling of plastics to make us aware of the importance of Recycling"